Information about the current Covid-19 situation

Dear KRM athletes, dear partners!


The planning for the premiere of the Kitzbüheler Radmarathon on July 11, 2021 is already in full swing. We are currently in the process of creating a comprehensive event and safety concept for the Kitzbüheler Radmarathon 2021 regarding Covid-19 in order to ensure a safe and unique event for all participants, visitors, sponsors as well as all helpers and supporters.


Our aim is to be able to hold a successful premiere as scheduled. According to the current state of the Austrian regulations, guidelines and rules in dealing with the Corona pandemic, this will be possible. The organizers and all responsible persons are aware that regulations can change at relatively short notice. Therefore, we would like to communicate openly that the safety and well-being of all have the highest priority and we will do everything in our power to implement the Kitzbüheler Radmarathon 2021.



The Kitzbüheler Radmarathon is very grateful to have a strong and reliable safety partner in the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Österreichs. The ASBÖ will support us in many ways: Whether on the course or in advance with the Covid prevention measures. Thus, we will be prepared for different scenarios to be able to ensure the safety of all in the best possible way.


Future measures

We are in regular contact with the responsible authorities and constantly update all measures in compliance with the legal requirements.


Detailed information about the Covid 19 protection measures will follow!

Thank you for your trust!

 The OK Team of the Kitzbüheler Radmarathon!

2021 will be #reallysteep!