

In order to receive start authorisation for the Kitzbüheler Radmarathon the eligibility requirements are precondition!


Health | Security | Insurance

This event is for ambitious recreational athletes: The course presupposes very high requirements and physical and technical skills of the participants!

Additional requirements are as follows:

Perfect functional equipment, especially the bicycle

Participation is only allowed with a road bicycle (no time trial bikes, no triathlon attachments or any type of impetus support).


Cycling Austria Member Card

The participation in cycling or similar events often is not covered within the legal framework of insurances. Therefore, the acquisition of an accident insurance and indemnity insurance is recommended.

The Cycling Austria Member Card of the Austrian Cycling Federation contains insurance for accidents, as well as a indemnification liability insurance for cyclists, e-biker and hobby cyclists underlying Austrian law. This card can be extended each year.

For further information about the Cycling Austria Member Card click here.


Course | Behaviour

The Kitzbueheler Cycling Marathon is not a cycling race, rather a cycling tourism event.

The route is not closed, it is necessary to follow the StVO, especially the obligation to drive on the right-hand side of the road.

Helmets are required during the whole race.

Velocity, driving style and driving line must be adapted to the road conditions (especially to road damage), the riders’ skills, the weather conditions and the traffic. It is prohibited to exchange race numbers.

Requirements from the executive authorities, the fire brigade, the organisation and the security service must be followed at any time.

The disposal of rubbish is only allowed at aid stations/feeding stations.

The participation of this event is at one’s own risk. This especially applies in medical terms.

The eligibility requirements have to be personally signed by the competitors and handed it at the location of distribution of race numbers.


Start number distribution

Each participant has to collect their starter package in person in order to sign the General Terms and Conditions.