The LSB – Preventive – Sustainable – Resilient

The members in psychosocial counseling, nutrition counseling and sports science counseling are specialists in the areas of prevention, sustainability and resilience.

They accompany and advise their clients towards their individual goals, contribute to solving stressful problems and support their clients to make individual, autonomous decisions that are livable for them.

In this way, these three professional groups make a valuable contribution to living together, to the individual well-being of body and mind, and with the approach of prevention, resilience and sustainability, make a valuable contribution to relieving the burden on the health and social system in Austria.

“The Kitzbüheler Radmarathon as a metaphor for a life journey with ups and downs, challenges and moments of recovery, reflects the phases in which people visit our members to reflect on and develop for themselves concrete impulses, perspectives, strategies, tips, ideas, change processes, attitudes, etc.,” says Julia Thaller of the WKO Tyrol.

Performance, feel good, sometimes also experience “dry spells” and slumps, to get out of this situation again and to take from it also strength, courage and curiosity – as that know cyclists and all that we know also in the most diverse ranges of our life; whether vocationally, privately, individually.

In this respect, the WKO Tirol is pleased when the offers in the three areas of psychosocial, nutrition and sports are used to accompany clients on a piece of your life.

Insofern freut sich die WKO Tirol, wenn die Angebote in den drei Bereichen Psychosoziales, Ernährung und Sport in Anspruch genommen werden, um Klientinnen und Klienten auf einem Stück Ihres Lebens zu begleiten.