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All info at once

The 3rd edition of the Kitzbüheler Radmarathon is just around the corner. In the official KRM Info Magazine participants will find all information about the event easily at a glance. Each starter will receive the print version of the Info Magazine in the respective goodie bag. The web version of the Info Magazine is available here in advance for those who don’t want to wait any longer.


KRM Infos

The start number distribution will take place on Saturday, August 26 between from 10:00 am -08:00 pm, as well as Sunday, August 27 between 05:00 am -06:00 am, at the Sportpark Kitzbühel – Schulgasse 2, 6370 Kitzbühel.

The drivers meeting will take place on August 26th at 18:00 – ATTENDANCE MANDATORY!

We advise all riders to read the info booklet and also points such as


Infomail with detail to the assigned starting block etc. follows!